General Info

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New York State black powder and edged weapon safety procedures.
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And Rules and Regulations
THE Grand Encampment Confederation

All participants in living history activities at "THE Grand Encampment" are expected to be familiar with these Guidelines. Each unit commander or contact person is responsible for communicating this information to the members of his unit. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to comply. Copies of the Guidelines are always available at the registration tent at each event.

Security & Registration:

Upon arrival at "THE Grand Encampment," participants will receive direction to their respective camps registration tents. At their camp registration tents they must sign in. They will be issued "THE Grand Encampment" pass, which they should keep with them at all times. The purpose of the pass is to help G.E. staff determine whether or not they are bona fide event participants and therefore authorized to be on Park property when the Park is closed. You will also receive a packet with information.


All period camps are to be set up only in designated areas and only after being directed by a camp authority (castramentation officer). You are expected to unload and setup in a timely fashion and move your vehicle right away to the designated parking area. Vehicles are not allowed in camp overnight. The GE requests that your vehicle does not return to the camp area until loading time on Sunday afternoon. If you must decamp earlier that scheduled time you will have to pack out your camp.


Fires will be allowed in the period camp areas only, by digging in and replacing the sod when finished. Military camps should utilize a “mess area” for these, designated by the camp castramentation officer. Filled water buckets MUST be at all fires.

Motor Vehicle permit & Parking:

All reenactor vehicles will be issued a “pass” that must be displayed in their window at all times. This and only this will allow reenactor vehicles entrance without paying a fee.

All reenactor vehicles must be parked in designated areas with appropriate passes provided. After unloading the GE requests that your vehicle does not return to the camp area until loading time on Sunday afternoon. Park gates will remain manned Thursday night until 1 a.m. Friday morning, but be locked at 10 p.m. all other days. Participants are responsible for the security of their own property. Always drive in a safe manner.

Command and Control:

"THE Grand Encampment Council" appoints a Commander in Chief and senior event staff for each event. These persons and the member of THE GE are the authorities of the event.

"THE Grand Encampment" is a military garrison. Event participants, regardless of who they portray, are expected to behave in a decent, orderly manner and follow the instructions of superior officers, as well as their staff and volunteers.

All participants are expected to follow the orders of officers placed over them by the "GE Council" or by senior event staff. Participating units must bear the name of a unit that actually participated in the Seven Years' War (1754-1763). It is expected that each unit's portrayal will be appropriate for the period being portrayed.

General Conduct:

NO ALCOHOL or illegal substances shall be consumed by any person taking the field of battle. Any person found to be impaired and on the field will be removed from the field and from the event.

The firing of small arms and artillery will take place only in designated areas and only in pre-arranged demonstrations, supervised by appointed safety inspectors.

In consideration of those who would like to get some rest, quiet will be enforced in camp after 11:00 pm.

It is often very hot at "THE Grand Encampments". Make sure the men and women under your command drink plenty of water. Canteens must be filled before going into action. If you do not have a canteen you must carry a filled water bottle in your haversack! You can NOT take the field without a canteen or water bottle! A non-combatant with a bucket of ice water and clean rags should be assigned to follow your unit in action. This water is NOT for drinking but to wipe or poor on over heated persons. These “mollies” will also have bottled water for drinking. If at any time you or any other member of your unit begins to feel weak, dizzy, or sick to your stomach, speak up. Ask for help. Emergency medical personnel will be on-site at the tactical times!

Stay with your unit and follow all officers' orders. They know the battle plan or have been given specific orders from someone who does know the planned scenario. If an enemy charges and will not stop - give way or fall down. If charging and the enemy do not give way - stop. If wounded or killed - do not rise again until the engagement is over unless you are ordered to do so. Do not fire or strike at an enemy who is too close -fall down or give way. THERE IS TO BE NO HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT!

No persons under 12 year of age may be on the tactical field unless they are under direct parental supervision at all times while on the field. Persons 15 year of age or younger may only be on the field if they are a musician, approved messenger, or color ensign and under direct supervision of their commander or the drum majors. These “under aged noncombatants should ALWAYS be behind the lines during tacticals. No person under 16 year of age shall be permitted to carry a firearm of any type and have the ok of the camp Provosts.

No persons are allowed on the tactical field for photography of filming unless they have been given the ok of the GE and are wearing a “GE Press Pass.”


Dogs must be on 6 feet or less leash and under owner's control at all times. Horses and oxen are permitted attendance for reenactment purposes in the camp and tactical areas. They are to be placed in a secured picketed area. Owners are to deposit animal waste in the adjacent dumpster. Horses and oxen should be well trained to handle gun and cannon fire. This is not a training place for them; they must be able to be handled in a tactical situation without injuring themselves, owners, other reenactors or the public. All liability lies with the owners of the animals.

Safety Inspections:

Each unit, whether infantry, artillery, mounted or naval, must undergo two inspections before it can participate in each day's tactical demonstration. Each unit must appear for inspection at the specified times and places with its arms, accouterments, ammunition, and all other equipment that will be brought onto the tactical field.

The first inspection should be conducted each morning by the commanding officer of each unit. It is expected that all deficiencies will be noted and corrected at this time. Event appointed safety inspectors or provosts do not need to witness this inspection.

The second inspection will take place just prior to the tactical demonstrations. Each army will be assembled for this purpose on its grand parade in camp, ready for inspection and action. Event Provosts will be doing this inspection. Arms found at this inspection to be unfit for Battle should be repaired before any further action is taken. If the deficiency cannot be repaired the item must be removed at this time. Units that repeatedly appear on the grand parade unprepared for inspection, or with unfit arms, may be dropped from the event list and be asked to leave the event.

Black Powder:

Only black powder made for use in replica muzzle loading weapons may be used at "THE Grand Encampment". Black powder may only be brought To "THE Grand Encampment" property in the form of pre made small arms cartridges and/or artillery cartridges and priming tubes. Bulk powder in cans, horns, or any other container, is not permitted.

Firearms and explosives:

(Reproduction period black powder weapons, black powder, artillery pieces)
Written permission is given to have them on site and use them within our activities. All powder must be pre-rolled. Rolling of cartridges is prohibited on site.
The sale of black powder in any form is prohibited.

Black Powder Weapons and Ammunition - Small Arms:

Only replica muzzle-loading firearms may be used in demonstrations and tacticals. All firearms must conform to an 18th-century design.

Pistols may be carried, but may not be brandished, loaded or fired in action by land forces or naval forces serving on land. Exception: mounted troops serving on horseback may brandish, load and fire pistols in action, and subject to the same guidelines that regulate the use of muskets.

Blunderbusses may not be carried, loaded or fired in action by land forces or naval forces serving on land.

All firearms must be equipped with substantial and securely attached flashguards and hammerstalls.”

Participants armed with short-barreled muskets must form in the front rank of their units.

Powder horns may be carried but must not contain any powder.

Ball, shot or bullets of any kind will not be brought to this event. If it is found during inspection the offender will not participate.

Small arms cartridges are restricted to following quantities and granulations of powder:

Weapon Type Maximum Blank Load

Musket 125 grains of fffg or ffg

Rifle 90 grains of fffg or ffg

Blank cartridges for muskets and rifles must be made of paper, with NO staples, tape, wax or any wadding of any sort including cotton. If found the offender will be asked to leave the site.

Cartridges should be carried in a leather cartridge box or pouch. Cartridges may not be carried in thin cloth bags such as, but not excluding haversacks, or in clothing. Spare cartridges should be kept in a wooden box, similar to those used for military cartridge boxes.

Nothing but powder may be put into the barrels of muskets or rifles during tactical demonstrations. Rammers may not be drawn for any reason on the tactical field!

Small arms, when fired, should not be leveled at opposing forces or at visitors.

No demonstration of "rapid fire" or speed loading may take place without the permission of the Provosts or Commander in Chief of the representative forces

Unit commanders will order their men to “Secure Firelocks” dump unburned powder out of musket barrels and empty the pan immediately after each tactical demonstration, before they march their units back to camp.

Original firearms are not to be fired anytime during the reenactment. This includes during battle reenactments.

Visitors are not allowed to handle firearms.

Edged weapons:

Visitors are not allowed to handle edged weapons.

Unit commanders are responsible for the safe use of axes and other sharp tools in their units. Axes are not appropriate playthings for children. Make sure that unit members who cut or split firewood, or perform any other work with a sharp tool, have been properly trained in its use.

Hatchets (axes) and knives should remain sheathed during tactical demonstrations. Spontoons and halberds should be carried with the blade or point up. These two weapons may be used with safety and discretion for directing their troops on parade and during the tactical. Commissioned officers may draw their swords as needed to direct troops on parade or in action, but must be aware of where the point and edge of their sword is at all times. Bayonets may only be fixed and charged if in the tactical scenarios and orders are given by the Commander in Chief. Bayonets may be fixed for drill, ceremony or when rendering honors.

Other edged weapons like war clubs, spears, knives, and axes may not be unsheathed during tacticals. The use of bows and arrows, and the throwing of hatchets, knives, or any other weapon, may be used for demonstration purposes only and in approved designated area. The use of bows and arrows, and the throwing of hatchets and knives or any other weapon during tactical are prohibited (This includes those made of rubber or other none metal edges).


All watercraft must have safety devices required by law and must be period type vessels. These and only these vessels will be permitted without park fee. All watercraft must follow the Michigan boating regulations below.

R  281.1252   Canoes and kayaks.
Rule 22. (1) A canoe or kayak shall be equipped with 1 type I, II,  III,
or IV coast guard approved  personal  flotation  device  as  specified  in
R 281.1234 in good and serviceable condition for each person  aboard.  The
devices shall be ready at hand and not encased in plastic  bags  or  other  type containers.
(2) If underway between sunset and sunrise a canoe  or  kayak  shall  be
equipped with a lantern showing a white light which shall be ready at hand
and which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Musical Instruments:

Period instruments will be allowed usage in the period camps and tactical areas (some being drums, fifes, bagpipes).


Period sutlers are given permission and are welcomed to sell their items on site. Sutlers are juried. They are required to pay their sutler fee prior to setup. Period food vendors are allowed if they have fulfilled all legal papers and permits required by law. Sutlers cannot sell ball, shot or bullets at the GE.


No visitors will be allowed in front of a line perpendicular to the muzzle of a demonstration or tactical weapon. The minimum distance between visitors and demonstration or tactical weapons is five (5) yards [15 feet] for small arms; [50 feet] for artillery.

If a visitor enters the tactical field during a tactical, ALL firing and troop movement will stop immediately and that person escorted off the field by the nearest officer!

Visitors shall not be permitted to handle any weapon or ammunition. Edged weapons likewise may be observed but not handled.

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