General Info

Event Schedule

British News

French News

Woodland Indian News

Sutler News









AUGUST 10 – 12, 2007


Thursday August 9, 2007


15:00 – 24:00 Participant's arrival, registration at site pavilion and camp setup.


Friday August 10, 2007


06:00 Drum/Tambour awake the camp


07:00 Breakfast


08:00 Vehicles to be return to re-enactors parking lot.

No vehicles allowed in the military camps between 08:00hrs to 17:00hrs.


08:30 Officer's Call.


09:30 Site opens to public


10:00 Formation of French and British armies– Presentation of Colors


10:30 Drill & formation practices.

French and British Officers walk the terrain to finalize tactical


12:00 Lunch


14:00 Assembly & Inspection for the Private Tactical.

Unit commanders confirm that everyone carry water; and

Unit commanders identify EMT & First Aid trained personnel.


14:30 Troops march towards their respective battlefield area.


15:00 Private Tactical commence.


17:00 Private Tactical ends and troops return to their respective camp.


17:00 Site closes to the public.

Participants' vehicles allowed to unload only and to be return to

re-enactors parking lot.


19:00 – 20:00 Participants late registration at pavilion.


Saturday August 11, 2007


06:00 Drum/Tambour awake camp


07:00 Breakfast


08:00 Vehicles to be return to re-enactors parking lot.

No more vehicles allowed in military camps.

Drill and evolutions practice begins.


08:30 Officer's Call.


09:00 Drill and evolutions practice cease.


09:30 Site opens to public

Assembly/Inspection for morning tactical.

Troops assemble for safety inspection;

Unit commanders confirm that everyone carry water; and

Unit commanders to identify EMT & First Aid trained personnel.


10:00 Troops march towards their respective battlefield area.


10:15 The “French attacks the redoubt” tactical commence:


•  The French make an attempt to surprise the British forces holding the newly captured redoubt.


•  As the attack progresses, British troops arrive and join the fray attempting to out flank the French.


•  The French starts a tactical withdraw back to the ruins of Crown Point pursued slowly by the British light troops.


11:30 The “ French attacks the redoubt” tactical ends.

Troops returns to their camp.


12:00 Lunch


13:00 Assembly/Inspection for afternoon tactical.

Troops assemble for safety inspection;

Unit commanders confirm that everyone carry water; and

Unit commanders to identify EMT & First Aid trained personnel.


13:30 Troops march towards to their respective battlefield area.


14:00 The “ British strikes back” tactical commence:


•  The British's advance gain full strength on the French who are reorganizing to the right of the covered way of Crown Point.


•  The French will concentrate together their artillery on their right flank with their troops in the covered way of the Crown Point ruins.


•  The British makes several attempts to assault the French line frontally, each one a failure.


•  The British retires back to the redoubt with the fighting gradually dying down.


•  Scouts have brought word to the French commander that the British army has several French civilian prisoners. A French officer is send to the British for a parlé.


•  The British agree and under the white truce, French and British commanders exchange prisoners.


16:00 The “British strikes back” tactical ends.

Troops march off to their camp.


17:00 Site closes to the public


20:00 Evening bombardment between French guns and British guns. (Artillerymen please make arrangements for transporting your gun to the proper location).


21:00 At the French camp, Fire breather's show provided by “soldat LaFlamme” member of the “compagnie de Lacorne”.


Sunday August 12, 2007


06:00 Drum/Tambour wakes the camp.


07:00 Breakfast


08:30 Officer's Call.


09:00 French drill and evolutions practice.


09:30 Site opens to public.


10:00 French drill and evolutions practice.



12:00 Lunch


13:00 Assembly/Inspection for tactical.

Troops assemble for safety inspection;

Unit commanders confirm that everyone carry water; and

Unit commanders to identify EMT & First Aid trained personnel.


13:30 Troops march towards their respective battlefield area.


14:00 The British push and “French counterattack” tactical commence:


•  The attempt to turn the French right with British rangers and grenadiers partially succeeds and starts to over run the French artillery.


•  The French counter attack with their reserves and drive off the British. At the same time French counter attack the British right flank in an effort to turn it.


•  The British fall back to the captured redoubt to re-group with the French in pursuit.


•  The French naval contingent now drives off the British naval forces and land in the rear of the British ground forces.


•  The French are not strong enough to force the British to surrender but the British will retire behind the redoubt and return to their home base at Lake George.


15:30 The “British push and “French counterattack” tactical ends.

Troops return to their camp.


16:00 Troops are dismissed and break camp.

Vehicles allowed in military camps to load and depart.


17:00 Site closes to the public.

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